Valeria Annunziata
Scuola Normale Superiore profile
Valeria Annunziata earned her Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology from the 'Federico II' University of Naples in 2021 and her Master's degree in Greek Paleography from 'Sapienza' University of Rome in 2023. She has enriched her academic journey with courses in librarianship and codicology, as well as internships in Italy and abroad, including significant experiences at ICCU, the Pontifical Gregorian University, the School for Advanced Studies in London, the Bodleian Library in Oxford, and IRHT in Paris.
Since 2021, she has participated in international research projects, working as a Resident Scholar at Tyndale House in Cambridge and as a Visiting Student at the Faculty of Classics at the University of Cambridge, where she returned in 2023 as a Visiting Scholar at Trinity College. In 2022, she was a Gastforscherin at the Department of Byzantine Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, where she studied palimpsest manuscripts.
Currently, she is a PhD student in Classical Studies at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, focusing on the manuscript tradition of Aratus' Phaenomena and the reedition of its paratexts. In 2024, she served as a Visiting PhD Researcher at the Center for the Study of Manuscript Cultures in Hamburg and as a predoctoral investigator at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid, working on the codicological and paleographical description of manuscripts preserved at El Escorial.
Additionally, from September 2024 she has collaborated on the project 'Die Editio critica maior des griechischen Psalters' at the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen and from January 2025 I have been involved in the 'Aratus Project' at the University of Michigan (USA).
She is currently living in Ann Arbor as a Visiting PhD Candidate at the UMich.
In 2024 she established and still coordinates the network HelleNET.
Valeria Annunziata ha conseguito la laurea triennale in Filologia Classica all’Università ‘Federico II’ di Napoli (2021) e la laurea magistrale in Paleografia Greca alla ‘Sapienza’ Università di Roma (2023). In parallelo ha svolto numerosi corsi di biblioteconomia e codicologia e stage extracurricolari in Italia e all’estero (e.g. presso l’ICCU e la Pontificia Università Gregoriana a Roma, la School for Advanced Studies a Londra, la Bodleian Library ad Oxford, l’IRHT a Parigi).
In parallelo ai suoi studi ha preso parte a numerosi progetti di ricerca internazionali a partire dal 2021, in qualità di Resident Scholar presso la Tyndale House a Cambridge (UK), Visiting Student alla Faculty of Classics della University of Cambridge (UK), dove è tornata nel 2023 come Visiting Scholar presso il Trinity College; è stata poi Gastforscherin presso il dipartimento di Bizantinistica della Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften a Vienna (2022) dove si è occupata dello studio codicologico di alcuni palinsesti sinaitici.
Dal 2023 è dottoranda in ‘Scienze dell’Antichità’ presso la Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa e lavora sulla tradizione manoscritta dei Phaenomena di Arato e sulla riedizione dei paratesti connessi a quest’opera.
Nel 2024 è stata Visiting PhD Researcher al Center for the Study of Manuscript Cultures ad Amburgo e investigatora predoctoral presso il Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas a Madrid, dove si è occupata della descrizione codicologica e paleografica di codici conservati all’Escorial e in altre biblioteche spagnole; sempre dal 2024 collabora per il progetto ‘Die Editio critica maior des griechischen Psalters’ della Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen e da gennaio 2025 collabora per l’‘Aratus Project’ presso la University of Michigan (USA).
Attualmente vive ad Ann Arbor come Visiting PhD Candidate presso l’UMich.
Nel 2024 ha fondato e coordina il network HelleNET.
2025: University of Michigan (USA)
2023 - : Scuola Normale Superiore - Pisa
2024: Center for the Study of Manuscript Cultures - Hamburg (2024)
2024: Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) - Madrid
2023: Trinity College, University of Cambridge
2021-2023: 'Sapienza' University of Rome (2021-2023)
2022: Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) - Vienna
2022: Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes (IRHT) - Paris
2021: University of Cambridge - Department of Classics
2021: Tyndale House - Cambridge (UK)
2019: School of Advanced Study - London (2019)
2018-2021: University of Naples 'Federico II'
My current project of research aims to offer a comprehensive survey of the manuscript tradition of Aratus’ Phaenomena and of the paratexts connected to the poem, in the light of the most recent insights on the subject and of the wider knowledge of the over seventy witnesses. On the one hand, the research will produce an up-to-date account on the transmission of the Aratean corpus, through a thorough examination of all the manuscripts that transmit it in a more or less complete way, or even in small excerpta; on the other, it shall offer a new edition of the exegetical and introductory materials that surround the text of Aratus, in order to update the only edition hitherto available, made by E. Maass in 1898, with the evidence emerged from a new recension of the witnesses, suitably collated. Due to the heterogeneity and the complex stratification of this material, this study will provide a classification of all the texts the Aratean corpus consists of, as well as an adequate contextualization and translation of each one, in order to offer a useful tool for both scholars and historians of science.
Valeria's main research interests are:
textual transmission and criticism;
history of science (mainly astronomy);
Latin and Greek Paleography;
Late Paleologan manuscript production (with a focus on Maximus Planudes and Demetrius Triclinius);
history of philology; manuscript cultures, with a focus on palimpsests;