Upcoming Events

CLEOPATRA. La donna, la regina, il mito
La mostra, che si apre a novembre nell’ambito delle celebrazioni dei 300 anni del Museo di Antichità, propone un viaggio di oltre 2000 anni nella storia e nel mito di Cleopatra, sia attraverso l’analisi storico-archeologica del personaggio e del suo tempo, sia narrando la nascita del mito e la fascinazione esercitata nel corso dei secoli.

Trinity College Dublin - Classics Department's Research Seminar
We are delighted to announce the Trinity College Dublin Classics Department’s Research Seminar (Hilary Term 2025) on the theme of ‘Subaltern Scripts’.
Hilary Term 2025, Weds. @ 17.30 pm (in person and online). All welcome!
Please use this link to register for the series:
Writing, scribal practice and literacy are important differentials at the borders of the subaltern. This series examines some aspects of writing, scribal practice and the ‘scripting’ of lives and experiences that are in someway ‘discrepant’ (Said) in relation to the centralised and elite forms of power and influence with which the discipline of Classics has historically been concerned.
5 February 2025 (in person and Zoom)
Edith Hall (Durham University).
Classical Greeks Scripting Slavery in Two Lead Letters from Berezan and Athens
19 February 2025 (in person and Zoom). Double Bill:
Yuan He (Trinity College Dublin)
Reconsidering Josephus' Relationship with His Readers in Bellum Judaicum 1.1-16
Samantha Sink (Trinity College Dublin)
Where to Draw the Line? Conceptual Boundary Lines and Theoretical Practices in Eratosthenes’ Geographika
March 12 2025 (in person and Zoom)
Ella Kirch (Christs College, Cambridge University)
‘They Write Fast, but Have No Intellect’: Shorthand and Its Victims in the Later Roman World
March 26 2025 (in person only)
Andrew Laird (Brown University)
From Roman Letters to Aztec Writing: Latin Grammar and Alphabetization in a Colonial World
April 9 2025 (by Zoom)
Candida Moss (University of Birmingham)
Stenographic Escape: Textual Accommodations and Shorthand

Cleopatra Selene II in Context as the Last Ptolemaic Queen
Seminar Series at Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
Speakers: Jane Draycott (University of Glasgow)
Contact: valerie.james@sas.ac.uk | 020 7862 8716
Seminar Series - University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara and University of Salento
Cognitive Science in pursuit of ancient religious experience: A joint seminar
Seminar Series Postgraduate work-in-progress
Room 243, Second Floor, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
Speakers: Ben Cassell (KCL), David Wilson (KCL)
Contact: valerie.james@sas.ac.uk | 020 7862 8716

"Poesia erudita, tradizioni popolari e cultura dell'oralità in età ellenistica - Erudite poetry, popular traditions, and oral culture in the Hellenistic period"
3-5 dicembre 2024 Dipartimento di Scienze Umane Università degli Studi dell'Aquila Viale Nizza 14 67100 L'Aquila 03/12/2024

RaC 2024 Le regalità ibride in Oriente da Alessandro ai Sasanidi
Ricerche a Confronto XIX
Le regalità ibride in Oriente da Alessandro ai Sasanidi
-27 NOVEMBRE 2024
a cura di Generoso Cefalo, Alessandro Magnani, Matteo Zaccarini
e Associazione Culturale Rodopis – Experience Ancient History

Onomastica e identita etnica nell'Estremo oriente ellenistico
Seminari napoletani di storia greca: “Onomastica e identità etnica nell’Estremo oriente ellenistico”
Lunedì 18/11/2024, ore 15:00, Biblioteca Area Umanistica BRAU
Si tratta di un seminario che si inserisce perfettamente nel corso di storia ellenistica della magistrale di Filologia classica e Scienze storiche. Si valuta, alla luce delle testimonianze onomastiche, il ruolo e l’effetto dell’ellenizzazione nella aree estremo-orientali raggiunte da Alessandro o dalla politica dei re ellenistici.
Per essere inseriti nell’aula multimediale Team, è necessario inviare una mail all’indirizzo seminaristoriagrecanapoli@gmail.com entro le ore 10.00 del 18 novembre 2024.
Codice di accesso per quanti siano in possesso di un account istituzionale unina: ly0xxna

Autumn Colloquium and AGM 2024 - The British Epigraphy Society
The British Epigraphy Society holds their Autumn Colloquium and AGM 2024, which is held at the Institute of Classical Studies, Senate House, London. Sessions include Exiles and Forcibly Expelled Peoples in Greco-Roman Epigraphy, Exiles in Archaic & Classical Greek Epigraphy, and Exiles in Hellenistic & Imperial/Latin Epigraphy.

Il Ginnasio Greco, L’efebia e Gli ‘Altri’
Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa
A Journey Through Egyptian Museums, From Ptolemy Philadelphus to Giuseppe Botti
The BA Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex-Med) and the BA Alexandria Center for Hellenistic Studies (ACHS), in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Centre in Cairo and the Honorary Consulate of Italy in Alexandria, organize a workshop entitled: “A Journey Through Egyptian Museums, From Ptolemy Philadelphus to Giuseppe Botti) Sunday, 27 October 2024, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Bibliotheca Alexandrina Conference Center, Delegates Hall Registration: Till the maximum capacity of the Hall is reached. Registration link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1vKkI0ehq6ZRRSPKu-lvu415dbOGYqyJQgYdLpFBlC_w/edit
The Ptolemaic domination in the Eastern Mediterranean - Cyprus, South Syria, Cyrenaica - end of 3rd - end of 1st century B.C.
La domination lagide en Méditerranée orientale - Chypre, Syrie du sud, Cyrénaïque - de la fin du Ille à la fin du ler siècle av. n. è.
Athènes, École française d'Athènes

Crossing geographical barriers and conceptualizing expansion in Eurasia. Exploration, conquest and ideology in antiquity and beyond
Bucarest - The Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization Centre of Excellence of the World Academy of Art & Science

Innovation and Discovery in the Hellenistic World
Innovation and Discovery in the Hellenistic World
The Centre for Hellenistic and Later Greek Studies - University of Exeter

Callimachus Iambus VI - University of Bergamo
Callimachus Iambus VI (Fr. 196 PF.): Iambic Poetry, Art, and Politics
Flora Manakidou (Democritus University of Thrace)

Karia from the late 4th century bce to the imperial period. New data, new finds, new approaches
This conference will focus on the period between the last decades of Achaemenid influence in Karia and the end of the Hekatomnid dynasty, through to the early imperial period, when the advance of the Roman Empire resulted in a period of relative stability. The emphasis will be on local perspectives and how the communities of the region responded to the changing political environment, examining civic culture, religious practices, and how the inhabitants of Karia engaged with their landscape and history.

Gymnases et culture athlétique en Asie Mineure occidentale et méridionale aux époques hellénis0que et impériale

„Grenzen in der Antike“- University of Trier
Borders in Antiquity - University of Trier

American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Alexander to Actium: The Archaeology of Hellenistic Greece - Summer Seminar (ASCSA)

Exhibition ‘Vivre et mourir en Égypte, d'Alexandre le Grand à Cléopâtre’ at the Musée d'Aquitaine - Bordeaux
This exhibition aims to show the encounter between Egyptian and Greek cultures - which mingled and adapted at all levels of society - by displaying ancient works, monuments and papyri, material witnesses to this encounter.

École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS)
Des démocraties hellénistiques : vraiment ?
Formes et modèles du pouvoir populaire dans les 'poleis' grecques (IVe-Ier siècle av. J-C.)

Collège de France
Les voix de l’hellénisme dans l’Antiquité tardive (IIIe- VIe siècles après J.-C.)

A Hellenistic Revolution? Objects and Change in Afro-Eurasia from the 3rd to 1st centuries BC
An international conference organised in the framework of the Leiden University VICI project Innovating Objects. The impact of global connections and the formation of the Roman Empire
Hosted by the Royal Netherlands Institute Rome